Why I changed dentists

I wasn't totally happy with the service I received at my previous dentist's office so I decided to switch to my wife's dentist. I had my first appointment today and was struck by how modern and enlightened his practice is.The office was designed for quality, patient comfort, and provider efficiency. In particular, I liked:

  • The digital x-ray system. He selected a system that uses more flexible films than other systems so there's less discomfort for the patient. He also showed me how he feeds the films into a scanner and how the software assembles the films into a standard view based on a template he chooses
  • The Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). Once the films were developed he showed me the areas of concern on a monitor that I could view from my chair. He zoomed in and used image enhancement tools so even I could see what he was talking about. He then offered to burn a CD or email me my x-rays so I'd have a copy for my records
  • The electronic dental record to guarantee legible, organized notes
  • Concern about my safety. He insisted on having me check with my physician to make sure I didn't need pre-treatment antibiotics for mitral valve regurgitation
  • Communications style. He explained things to me and made sure I understood

The only problem was that with the enhanced tools and thoroughness in analyzing everything he was able to find a couple of small problems that had escaped notice until now. As a believer in "what you don't know can't hurt you," I was a little bit disappointed by that.I didn't mean this as an advertisement, but in case you need a dentist in Brookline, MA you might consider Dr. Daniel Whiteman of Whiteman Dental Associates.---PS - just checked here and it appears I'm not the only one who's impressed.


The downside of wiring the health care system


Healing Molly -- Part Two