Dastardly deed

Pharma Gossip noticed a New York Daily News article about a pharmaceutical industry scheme to commission a thriller novel that "concerned a Croatian terrorist cell that uses Canadian Web sites to murder millions of unwitting Americans looking for cut-rate pharmaceuticals."According to the article, PhRMA, the drug industry lobby, made some comments on the first draft:

"They said they wanted it somewhat dumbed down for women, with a lot more fluffin it, and more about the wife of the head Croatian terrorist, who is a formerMiss Mexico." Apparently, women are among the most loyal buyers of Canadiandrugs.

PhRMA admitted it entertained the book scheme, but conveniently blamed a consultant for the idea and has since distanced itself from the project. Apparently the book will be published anyway.The book doesn't sound any more sensational than BuySafeDrugs.info, a PhRMA sponsored site designed to scare the heck out of anyone who wants to get cheaper drugs from abroad.


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