An interesting DTC approach

An interesting DTC approachGlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is running an interesting marketing program for the new Fruit Chill flavor of its OTC Nicorette gum. In addition to the value it will likely generate for GSK in building a marketing database and generating incremental volume, there is real value for the consumer as well:

  • Coupons for Nicorette purchases that start at $5 and go up $1 at a time till they reach $10 for a 100 ct. size
  • The chance to earn entries in a $1 million sweepstakes for performing a number of activities that are likely to improve the chances of quitting smoking with the aid of Nicorette
    • Watching a video on using nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking
    • Watching a video showing how to use the Nicorette gum properly
    • Completing an assessment on readiness to quit
    • Downloading tip sheets and encouragement tools designed to keep on the path toward quitting
    • Joining an online support group
    • Providing feedback on the experience

I find this sort of program a lot more palatable than some of the other DTC campaigns. (I realize it's on an OTC product, which makes a lot of this possible and makes some of the comparisons with Rx unfair.) Nevertheless:

  • It's focused on a real problem --helping smokers quit. The payback to society and individual smokers of success has got to be a large multiple of whatever GSK makes
  • There's immediate financial value to the customer
  • The educational and adherence tools provided are likely to increase the chance of success

Rare and common at the same time


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