A partial remedy for cold heartedness

A partial remedy for cold heartednessAttempts are underway to prevent illegal aliens from receiving health care and other government services --a trend I oppose. Luckily someone inserted a provision into the Medicare Modernization Act specifically allocating funds for emergency treatment of undocumented immigrants. CMS sent out a briefing on that provision today:

Section 1011: Federal Reimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens – An Update:Physicians, hospitals and ambulance services that provide emergency health services to undocumented aliens should be aware that The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) (Section 1011) provides $250 million each year, for Fiscal Years (FY) 2005-2008, for payments to eligible providers for emergency health services given to undocumented and other specified aliens. You may not be receiving funds that are available to you for services you furnish to undocumented aliens. We have prepared a Special Edition article to inform and/or remind you about these available funds. Please click on the following url for more details:



In the UK


Looks like Part D won't kill off patient assistance programs after all