Co-opted by Google Co-op?

Co-opted by Google Co-op?Despite (or more accurately because of) my concerns about Google, I received the following email today:

Dear medical colleagues,[A physician/blogger] suggested I contact you about participating in the Google Co-op health topic. Contributions to Google Co-op by experts such as you help Google users better find the high quality and specific health information they are looking for.As a contributor you choose websites or pages and apply relevant health topic labels to them. Users can then subscribe to your profile in order to have their Google search results improved by your expertise -- pages that you have labeled will appear higher in their search results and will reference you as the labeler. Google Co-op participation provides you with more relevant touch points to your target health audience.Please feel free to contact me with any questions and we look forward to your regards,[Google staff member]

I replied as follows:

Thank you for your message. I am a regular, long-term user of Google and am impressed with the quality of the search results and expanded features. I also advertise my business and blog on Google. The company'Â’s success and ambition are admirable.I do have some problems with the Co-op concept and with Google'Â’s moves into e-health in general, which I have written about on the Health business blog (powered by Google'Â’s Blogger). I'd welcome your perspective:

Regards,David Williams

I'll let you know what I hear.


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