Cocaine makes a comeback
Cocaine makes a comebackTwo items on the cocaine front. From the Durham Herald-Sun:
Eric Clapton is playing "Cocaine" again. The recovering drug addict and alcoholic... stopped performing the song... when he first got sober."I thought it might be giving the wrong message...[b]ut further investigation proved... it's an anti-drug song..." {I wonder what he means by "investigation." -- DW}Clapton also said he missed paying "Cocaine," ...just purely from a musical point of view."
Meanwhile, back in New York (Maker of New 'Cocaine' Drink Gets Scolding From Lawmakers):
Outraged... lawmakers denounced the manufacturer of a new, highly caffeinated soft drink called Cocaine yesterday and called for a boycott of the beverage, saying it glamorized an illegal and deadly stimulant...[Cocaine's website] ...offers recipes for cocktails like Liquid Cocaine, Cocaine Smash, Cocaine Blast and even Cocaine Snort.
The Times article goes on to talk about "condemnation" and "withering criticism" by various experts. It's actually kind of funny to see the Times get so huffy. Meanwhile, the CEO of the drink's maker says, "There's a lot of irony and wordplay." Actually, not that much.Surprisingly, no one's bothered to mention cocaine's protective powers against tasers.