Turning journal articles into comment-enabled blog postings

Turning journal articles into comment-enabled blog postingsMickey reports in from the MedNet conference:

I was at a talk today at the MedNet conference by Jeffrey Ellis, MD, President of JournalReview.org. They have a site that takes the PubMed listings (with permission) and adds the ability to leave comments. The advantage is that comments can be made without having to get a letter to the editor accepted by the original journal; it treats articles like blog postings. The disadvantage is that content is separated from the original article and as with Amazon, people can review their own work (though you need to register to comment). Since you can use their site instead of PubMed the separation issue would not be a problem if everyone uses the site.
There was no discussion of the business model, and from a quick run through the site I didn't get a sense of how they were planning on making it work financially.

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