The pornification of the medical profession

The pornification of the medical professionWhat does this sound like?

As she delivered her thoughtful patient presentations to me and the other attending doctors, it was hard not to notice her low-cut dress.

A Harlequin romance? A soft-core film? Nope. It's from an essay in the New York Times (When Young Doctors Strut Too Much.)

Among older and middle-aged physicians (like myself), tales of salacious and sloppy trainee attire abound. One colleague commented that a particularly statuesque student “must have thought all her male patients were having strokes” when she walked in their exam room wearing a low-cut top and a miniskirt... One Midwestern medical school dean reported that her school instituted a formal dress policy after administrators noticed students revealing too much flesh while sunbathing on a small patch of grass outside the school building, directly below patients’ hospital room windows.

Patients, especially older ones, won't take doctors as seriously and may not be as open with them when they fail to show up for work dressed as expected. Smutty novelists and film makers may also have to take things up a level to differentiate themselves. Is it all part of the pornification of America?


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