My kind of doc

Last day of vacation and no real time to blog, but two people sent me a link to today's WSJ article: Faltering Family M.D.s Get Technology Lifeline; Doctors Think Small To Revive Solo Role For Primary Care.They rightly concluded that I would applaud the efforts by some primary care physicians to offer a high-service model to a regular sized panel of patients by relying on technology and intelligent operations. It's a much better solution than the concierge model.

[I]n early 2001, Dr. Moore took a risky step. He borrowed about $15,000 to start a solo medical practice in a tiny space with no nurse, receptionist or waiting room. He bought computer software to help him track patients' appointments, illnesses and medications, and to process insurance claims.Patients at his "micropractice" can call or email to get appointments the same day. Visits last 30 minutes. Dr. Moore can be reached day or night on his cellphone. To refill a prescription, he walks "zero feet," he says, and taps a few keys on his laptop. "I was able to build a Norman Rockwell practice with a 21st-century information-technology backbone," he says.

More later...


Fly the Unfriendly Skies


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