Massachusetts health reform hits home

Got a reminder of the Massachusetts health insurance mandate today, courtesy of a postcard delivered in the mail. In addition to the Commonwealth Connector seal, it has one from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (the tax collectors) just to make sure you take it seriously.

Dear Massachusetts Taxpayer, [note it doesn't say "Resident"]Beginning July 1, 2007, a new Massachusetts law says that residents age 18 and over must have health insurance. With few exceptions, adults must be able to show they have health insurance by Dec. 31, 2007. Those who cannot will lose the tax benefit of their personal exemption on their 2007 Massachusetts income tax return, worth $219 for an individual. Penalties will increase for 2008.Most adults already have health insurance, perhaps [why perhaps?] through an employer or a government program. If you do not, the Commonwealth Health Connector can help you or your employer find the right health plan. The Health Connector has new health insurance choices for you and your family. These plans carry the state's seal of Approval for quality and affordability. You can also purchase plans through approved Massachusetts health insurance carriers. To learn more or to purchase a plan, visit

It's not signed by anyone.


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