Podcast interview with Jeff Schult, author of Beauty from Afar

[audio http://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/jeff_schult_mp33.mp3]
I spoke earlier today with Jeff Schult, author of Beauty from Afar: A Medical Tourist's Guide to Affordable and Quality Cosmetic Care Outside the U.S.. Jeff began writing the book when he journeyed to Costa Rica for major dental work. What started out as a magazine article turned into a full length book once he got to Costa Rica and learned the extent of the medical travel phenomenon. As the name implies, Beauty from Afar focuses mainly on cosmetic and dental procedures. However, he does delve into some of the more "serious" treatments as well. The afterword of the book is written by Curtis Schroeder, CEO of Bumrungrad International in Thailand.


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Study debunks ignorant misconception on breast cancer