Two nasty surprises

Got two nasty surprises todayFirst, I got a renewal notice from Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA with a proposed premium increase of 26.3%Second, I found a website called AllHealthMedInfo(dot)com, which is reposting my blog posts verbatim without permission and without attribution. My last 10 blog posts have been posted there. The idea seems to be to take the content and slam Ads by Google all over it. There's other content on the site, too besides my posts. If you're a blogger you might want to check if it's yours.I found it funny that the person doing the posting changed one of my titles from The health impact of smoking to The health affect of smoking, confusing "affect" with "effect."I sent an email to the person I think owns the site. I'm hoping this is going to stop soon.-----PS --Believe it or not, they've just copied my post about them, changing it around a bit.


How runaway costs can undermine health reform in a hurry


Change of Shift is up at Nursing