2007 Medical Weblog Awards: Nominations are now being accepted

MedGadget is initiating the fourth annual Medical Weblog Awards. You can nominate blogs in the following categories:

  • Best Medical Weblog
  • Best New Medical Weblog (established in 2007)
  • Best Literary Medical Weblog
  • Best Clinical Sciences Weblog
  • Best Health Policies/Ethics Weblog
  • Best Medical Technologies/Informatics Weblog
  • Best Patient's Blog

Nominations can be made in the comments section of the MedGadget post.I hope no one is deterred by the fact that last year's winner of Best New Medical Weblog crashed and burned a few months after receiving the prize.Blogosphere etiquette on these things is still evolving. I've been on the receiving end of fairly aggressive self-promotion by some nominees, while others stay quiet about it, even on their own blogs.


Free trade in counterfeit drugs


Massachusetts tax forms will require filers to prove they have health insurance