Stories of Harm from Consumer Health Quality Council members

Health Care for All started a Consumer Health Quality Council about a year ago for people who've encountered medical quality problems. Now three members of that group have told their stories in video clips on YouTube, with a little help from some students from the BU School of Public Health. The videos will be premiered tomorrow at 10 am in the Massachusetts State House in Room A-2, where they are likely to add urgency to the quality and patient safety agenda.You can see the videos at A Healthy Blog. Here are the descriptions:

Lisa's Story: Lisa survived a terrible misdiagnosis and as an empowered health care consumer later saved her daughter from the same misdiagnosis.Linda's Story: Linda lost her mother to preventable medical errors.Ginny's Story: Ginny's life was changed forever by a preventable hospital-acquired infection.

I'm at a hotel in DC with a terrible Internet connection and haven't been able to watch the full videos. What I've seen is well done, though and I'm looking forward to viewing the rest.


Health Wonk Review is up at Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review


Medical tourism interview with James Bae of the Council for Korea Medicine Overseas Promotion (transcript)