Is HSBC having cash flow problems?

Today I received a notice from my insurance company that my homeowners policy was being canceled for non-payment. The thing is, my mortgage company, HSBC is supposed to take care of that, using funds I pay into escrow. I called HSBC and found out that they paid the bill, but they paid it late. They told me the check left their office on March 31.Sure enough, when I called my insurance company I found out that they'd received payment on April 3 and that my policy won't be canceled after all.I've never had this problem before. Surely HSBC must know how to pay insurance bills on time.I wonder whether HSBC was trying to preserve cash at the end of March to make its cash position look better at the end of Q1. Of course I could be wrong, but with all the trouble in the mortgage market it makes me wonder whether this is an isolated case or part of a broader strategy.Anyone else have a similar experience?


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