Podcast interview with Dr. Michael Parkinson, President of the American College of Preventive Medicine

[audio http://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/parkinson3.mp3]
Michael D. Parkinson, MD, MPH has had an interesting career. In this podcast interview, Dr. Parkinson describes how his experience as an Air Force physician taught him about how personal health behaviors and organizational culture impact health and health care costs. He explains why he left government service to become Chief Health and Medical Officer with consumer-directed health plan startup Lumenos, where he emphasized prevention and chronic care management. He also discusses his current role as President of the American College of Preventive Medicine.Parkinson and I discussed the interaction between prevention and costs, the positioning of consumer directed plans as "high deductible" plans for the wealthy and well (something Parkinson doesn't care for) and the role health care is likely to play in the general election.


Grand Rounds to be hosted at the Health Business Blog


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