Podcast interview with David Hom, Chairman of the Center for Health Value Innovation

[audio http://website.guild.im/williams/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2008/11/hom23.mp3]
I first interviewed David Hom, board chairman of the Center for Health Value Innovation six months ago at Consumer Health World in Las Vegas. We spoke then about value based insurance design, health care consumerism, and the importance of adherence for chronically ill patients. A lot has happened in the intervening period --the end of the primary season, the general election, and the collapse of the financial markets-- so it was good to catch up today to hear his perspective.David is still touting information-technology based solutions, and he's also calling for a bailout of patients with chronic disease who are financially imperiled.


Podcast interview with David Hom, Chairman of the Center for Health Value Innovation (transcript)


Market forces and reimbursement rates