domain name registration scam

The Chinese Internet domain name scammers are at it again. See Asia Domain Name Registration scam and Fexon Technology Ltd. Internet Registration Center scam for a description of what's going on. The basic idea is to scare people into buying lots of extensions of their existing domain name at outrageous prices.I received a slightly updated version of the scam today. The "Confidentiality Notice" is a new feature --but the scammers don't seem to understand what confidentiality means:

Subject: About "Mppllc" Intellectual Property Rights (TO CEO & Principal)From: NicholasDate: 2:36 AMTo: [my email address]Dear CEO & Manager,We are a professional internet consultant organization in Asia, which mainly deal with the Longhua companies' domain name registration and internet intellectual property right protection. Currently, we have a pretty important issue needing to confirm with your company.On Dec 19, 2008, we received an application formally, one company named "Longhua International Holdings Ltd" wanted to applied for the internet trademark "Mppllc " and some domain names through our body.During our preliminary investigation, we found that these domain names' keyword and internet trademark is identical with your trademark. I wonder whether you consigned Longhua International Holdings Ltd to register these domain names through us or not? Or is Longhua International Holdings Ltd your business partner or distributor in Asia? Currently, we have postponed this application of this company temporarily already. In order to deal with this issue better, please let the principal make a confirmation with me by telephone or email ASAP______________________Best regards,Nicholas  ChenIT Director-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Auditing DepartmentTel:  +852 9566 0103   +852 9566 0496Fax: +852 9566 0302Email:nicholas@bestweb-service.orgWeb: Http:// Notice. This is a letter for confirmation. If the mentioned third party is your business partner or distributor in Asia please DO NOT reply. We will automatically confirm application from your business partner after this audit procedure.we have to notify you,and our registration organization are not responsible for any dispute questions about trade mark,intellectual property nor patent after they succeed in registration.hope you can understand.thank you.----------------------------------------------------------------------------


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