Essay Contest: Excellence in the Pursuit of Measurement
The Fraser Institute is launching a new contest to identify economic and public policy issues which still require proper measurement in order to facilitate meaningful analysis and public discourse. I may enter myself!
The Essay Contest for Excellence in the Pursuit of Measurement is an opportunity for the public to comment on an economic or public policy issue that they feel is important and deserves to be properly measured.A top prize of $1,000 and other cash prizes can be won by identifying a vital issue that is either not being measured, or is being measured inappropriately. Acceptable entry formats include a short 500-600 word essay, or a short one-minute video essay.Complete details and a promotional flyer are available online.Entry deadline is Friday, May 15th, 2009.Sponsored by the R.J. Addington Center for the Study of Measurement.Enquiries may be directed to:Courtenay VermeulenEducation Programs AssistantThe Fraser InstituteDirect: 604.714.4533courtenay.vermeulen@fraserinstitute.orgThe Fraser Institute is an independent international research and educational organization with offices in Canada and the United States and active research ties with similar independent organizations in more than 70 countries around the world. Our vision is a free and prosperous world where individuals benefit from greater choice, competitive markets, and personal responsibility. Our mission is to measure, study, and communicate the impact of competitive markets and government interventions on the welfare of individuals.