What is it with hospitalists and the big cats?

As mentioned, I enjoy reading Today's Hospitalist for a taste of the hospital environment from the inside. Two drug ads in the new edition caught my eye:

  • A Pfizer ad for the Tygacil antibiotic. It shows a tiger walking down a hospital hallway next to a doctor, under the heading, "Expanded broad-spectrum coverage is on your side." It's kind of low key, and it doesn't take much of a brain to connect the name of the drug with the image. I kind of like it. (Couldn't find an image for it online, so you'll have to settle for this related pen.)
  • An Ortho-McNeil-Janssen ad for Nucynta, a painkiller. This one starts with a full page, frontal photo of a lion with a rose in its mouth. The next page features a full view of the lion doing the same thing, with a graph highlighting the drug's favorable GI tolerability profile compared with oxycodone. I really don't like this one at all.

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Eavesdropping on the hospitalists: Is that catheter needed?