Dr. Ted Eytan of Kaiser on health IT, walking meetings, innovation

[audio http://website.guild.im/williams/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2010/12/eytan3.mp3]
Kaiser Permanante's Dr. Ted Eytan is a passionate advocate of patient centered care, supported by health information technology. I first encountered him last month at a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation meeting where he gave an inspiring talk about Kaiser's success in engaging patients and families.In this podcast interview, Ted speaks about his role at Kaiser Permanente and how he got there, the ways life is changing for patients and their families as electronic health records and personal health records roll out, and the potential for mobile health and social media. We then turn to the topic of walking meetings (Ted is a major proponent and practitioner), innovation within large organizations, and what's ahead for 2011.If you want to hear more from Ted, check out his blog and Twitter posts.


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