NAPH CEO Dr. Bruce Siegel on safety net providers (podcast)

Members of the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (NAPH) play a vital role in the US health care system. In this podcast interview, NAPH CEO Bruce Siegel, MD, MPH describes the state of safety net providers and what changes we can expect over the next few years. We touch on a variety of topics including:

  • Differences between safety net hospitals and more traditional providers
  • Role of safety net providers in public health
  • Impact of the Affordable Care Act and changes in Medicaid
  • Effects of dual eligibles
  • How the immigration debate affects safety net providers
  • Health care disparities and what NAPH members are doing to address them
  • Long-term outlook for the US health care system

Siegel brings a broad perspective to NAPH, where he became CEO late last year. Earlier he led two of NAPH's member systems. He's also been a state Commissioner of Health and run the National Program Office for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Aligning Forces for Quality Program.


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