Tune in tomorrow as Avalere's Dan Mendelson and I discuss the Supreme Court decision

As soon as the Supreme Court issues its long-awaited decision on health care tomorrow morning you will be hearing from all manner of instant pundits, and you should feel free to tune in. But if you can wait till late afternoon you'll have the opportunity to hear Dan Mendelson, founder and CEO of Avalere Health discuss the ruling and its implications with me. Dan was responsible for health care in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) during President Clinton's second term and was Director of the Lewin Group's medical technology before that.Dan has appeared on the Health Business Blog before. In November 2010 we discussed the implications of the election for health care. He was insightful then and I expect no less tomorrow.The podcast discussion should be up on the blog tomorrow by 4 pm.


Avalere Health CEO Dan Mendelson shares implications of the Supreme Court ruling


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