Cavalcade of Risk #178: Little bit of everything edition

Welcome to the 178th running of the Cavalcade of Risk blog carnival. We've got a little bit of everything this time around, and I hope you'll enjoy it all.Disease Management Care Blog has important advice for boards of health service companies that use the results of their company’s sponsored or conducted research. Public domain, published or peer-reviewed research is highly vulnerable to data manipulation, conflicts of interest, skewed results, suppression of negative results and spin. Boards need to give it the enterprise risk management (ERM) it deserves.  He offers 10 approaches for audit committees.Healthcare Economist investigates whether expansion of Medicaid crowds out private coverage.The individual insurance market is set to undergo major changes next year. Colorado Health Insurance Insider has made a graphic to explain the shifts.There's a risk that EHR adoption will lead to improper billings that will wipe out any savings that accrue from better efficiency. Although some see this as a reason to gut the Meaningful Use incentive program, Health Business Blog is much more sanguine.InsureBlog shares upbeat news on the breast cancer front: a new "smart bomb" that could reduce the risk of dying from the disease.It’s one thing to sign your life away when you go sky-diving, but should parents really have to sign a comprehensive waiver of liability so that their children can participate in public school field trips?  Insurance Coverage Law in Massachusetts doesn’t think so, and blog author Nina Kallen is trying to do something about it through her testimony to the Boston School Committee.Workers’ Comp Insider agrees with OSHA’s director that "A worker's first day at work shouldn't be his last day on earth." She posts about a temporary worker killed at a Bacardi Bottling plant on his first day of the new job. Workers Comp Roundup counsels that employers should work with their employees who are filing claims rather than letting them fend for themselves.Data breaches seem to be occurring a lot more frequently. Risk Management Monitor notes that what used to be a once-a-week data breach email alert from, an open security foundation, now comes as multiple emails, several times a day. Quite frightening.That’s it for the Cav. Our next host is Jacob Irwin from My Personal Finance Journey


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