In praise of Chris Christie's weight loss approach

I had never paid too much attention to New Jersey's Republican Governor Chris Christie until Hurricane Sandy, when I was impressed with how he put residents of his state above politics in his cooperation with President Obama on the response to the storm. Unfortunately that seems to distinguish him in this day and age.So Christie has built up a reserve of credibility with me and I suspect others. Therefore I take him at his word that his recent gastric banding surgery for weight loss was undertaken primarily for the sake of his family rather than to bolster his chance to become President. The press coverage is helpful because it helps educate others about the surgery and the lifestyle steps that are still required afterwards in order to make it a success.With obesity so common it's helpful to have a role model who is doing something decisive about his own personal issue. I wish him success and good health.


Podcast interview with Cancer Treatment Centers of America CEO Steve Bonner (transcript)


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