Health Business Blog is migrating...

The technical team here at the Health Business Blog has been working for some time now to migrate the blog to a more modern and stable platform. After a couple false starts we're hoping to make the move next week during the July 4 holiday.If we do it right there will be no disruption for you, our esteemed readers. RSS feeds should still work, old posts should remain, links should not break, etc. Of course there's always a chance of problems. If so we'll try to let you know.On the plus side the blog format should be more readable on a variety of devices and functionality should get better.Your loyal readership is much appreciated and I look forward to writing the next chapters!In any case the blog is on vacation. You can expect the next post on July 8.Meanwhile please follow @HealthBizBlog on Twitter, as I will keep that feed active while the upgrade is in progress.


Welcome back!


Physician Compare: Still unimpressive