Vote Ed Markey for Senate

If you live in Massachusetts and are registered to vote, please consider casting your ballot for Ed Markey in the special election on Tuesday, June 25. Markey has been an effective Congressman and his positions on the issues are well articulated and intelligent.Markey's web page lays out his positions on key issues including health care:

  • Voted for Obamacare and supports its implementation
  • Supports women's health including coverage for preventive screenings and contraception. He is pro-choice and supports NIH research on women's health issues
  • Opposes the Ryan voucher plan for Medicare
  • Favors full funding for Medicaid
  • Supports NIH funding
  • Has taken a leadership role in addressing Alzheimer's
  • Supports home-based care for seniors
  • Promotes development of pediatric medical devices
  • Supports mental health parity

Markey has also spelled out detailed and well-reasoned views on other issuesthat matter for Massachusetts and the nation including climate change, education, the environment, immigration, LGBT, national security, technology, and veterans.The positions taken by Republican candidate Gabriel Gomez are much more superficial. Take a look at Gomez's issues pageif you don't believe me. Here's the totality of what he has to say about health care:

"Access to quality, affordable health care is a goal on which both sides of the political aisle can agree.

So-called solutions like Obamacare only address part of the problem, while ignoring or compounding the underlying costs of health care.

States should be free to design their own programs, just as we did here in Massachusetts."

Turnout  in this election is projected to be low, so your vote counts more than usual.Please join me in helping elect Ed Markey.


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