Cartoon version of Obamacare is pretty useful

It's not surprising that the average person is pretty confused about the Affordable Care Act. It's a complex piece of legislation that gets phased in gradually, and opponents have been attacking the law and intentionally confusing people while proponents have been less effective about getting the word out.Meanwhile, Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and a few others have been good about explaining the law to those who cared enough to look for the information and read through serious articles and analyses on the topic. As the core components of Obamacare kick in over the next few months, KFF is seeking to explain the law to a broader audience.At close to seven minutes, the YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare animation is a lot longer than the typical 60 second cutesy web video, but there's a lot of information packed in that will be useful for people who want to know how the Affordable Care Act will affect them. Most of the video is devoted to describing the ways people will get insurance under the law, and there is also information about who will pay for it. There's a definite pro-Obamacare line but it doesn't avoid some of the hard truths.[youtube=]


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