Cavalcade of Risk #198: Short and sweet edition

Welcome to edition #198 of the Cavalcade of Risk blog carnival, the last for 2013. We'll keep it short and sweet for you.Which way to the Cavalcade?Danger, danger!It turns out that nursing is one of the riskiest professions when it comes to on-the-job injuries. Nurses and nurses aides are right up there with construction workers when it comes to danger. Julie Ferguson of Workers' Comp Insider has the story.Kicking while it's downHank Stern is a real gentleman, and Louise Norris is a classy lady, but you wouldn't guess it from the way they pile on the punishment to the much maligned ObamaCare sign-up website!Norris's Colorado Health Insurance Insider takes Secretary Sebelius to task for claiming that the new health insurance exchanges represent the "first time" that Americans have been able to make effective comparisons on insurance options. There have been other, private insurance marketplaces on the web for a long while, not to mention good old-fashioned insurance brokers.Stern's InsureBlog reports on serious security shortcomings on that could lead to customers and would-be customers having their identities stolen.Disability insurance and youWhen I started my own company my insurance agent told me disability insurance was crucial. After all, if I died my wife could claim my life insurance benefit and get remarried. But if I became disabled it would be harder to get a new husband, and I'd still need to be taken care of . So I'm glad to see Mom and Dad Money report on disability insurance. It's easy to get stuck with lousy coverage if you're not educated.Quality and cancerIt's bad enough to get cancer, but worse to find out that the quality of cancer care is not always up to snuff. Healthcare Economist provides thoughts on a recent Institute of Medicine report on the topic.Risky donationsA recent controversy over the legality of payments to bone marrow donors made me think back on my own experience as a prospective donor. In the end I decided not to take the risk of donating bone marrow even though it could possibly have benefited a patient. I wrote up my moral dilemma on the Health Business Blog.Wait till next yearThe next Cavalcade of Risk will be hosted by Michael Stack at AMAXX, but not until January 2, credit: kyz via photopin cc----By David E. Williams of the Health Business Group.


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