Castlight Enterprise Healthcare Summit: Magic and the President

Castlight Health is expanding beyond its origins in cost transparency, today announcing the Castlight Enterprise Cloud, which includes four "solution centers" -- that encompass analytics, incentives, and personalization. The company made the announcement in a grand way, with an Enterprise Healthcare Summit featuring President Bill Clinton, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Steve Forbes, Toby Cosgrove (Cleveland Clinic) and Castlight executives Giovanni Colella and Naomi Allen.I had the opportunity to attend, learn more about the company's latest, and mix and mingle with a high-powered crowd. Here's my scrapbook:Magic Johnson reflected on his basketball and business career, while dropping in a few words about price transparency in healthcareMagic Johnson gave President  Clinton a rousing introductionI expected Clinton to give a stump speech, but instead he personalized the speech to focus specifically on price transparency and Castlight's roleCEO Giovanni Colella asked Clinton some follow-up questions, and the prez had plenty to say in reply Once Giovanni was done with the President he found some time for meThe Cleveland Clinic's CEO Toby Cosgrove took part in a panel discussion. His fellow panelists were a little surprised when he called for provider monopoliesSteve Forbes never got to be president but he did get to speak in the same conference as oneCastlight's Naomi Allen laid out the details of the new Castlight offeringsAmerican Social Club played some great crowd pleasers82 Mercer might never be the same after Castlight's conference wraps---By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams of the Health Business Group


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