Self-driving Uber: Coming your way in 10 years or so

 I drive just like Mom and Dad!I figured someone already thought of this idea, so I Googled it before writing a blog post. Sure enough, Uber's CEO has already announced that eventually Ubers will be driverless vehicles. It makes perfect sense. The biggest cost of a taxi --or Uber ride-- is the cost of the person behind the wheel.In a world of driverless cars + uber, many people could be taxi fleet owners, or just put their own private care out to work whenever they're not using it themselves. In urban areas it could mean not even needing to have a parking spot. Just keep the car on the road the whole day and night, making money all the while.Although it sounds a little spooky I think it will be pretty cool. It will change family dynamics, however. For example, young kids may start to go visit their grandparents or cousins for the weekend hundreds of miles away. Parents will be able to monitor the driverless travel through video surveillance, and "Mom's Taxi" will become a thing of the past for kids' activities.Just a credit: foilman via photopin cc—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams of the Health Business Group



Health Business TV: concierge medicine, premium hikes, provider engagement, HIPAA and driverless cars


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