The new primary care docs: retrained specialists

Sign me up![audio mp3=""][/audio]As the US healthcare system becomes more cost conscious, demand for primary care physicians is outstripping supply. Various solutions are being tried, such as increasing number and elevating the role of nurse practitioners and physician assistants and increasing immigration.Dr. Leonard Glass, a retired surgeon in Southern California, had a different idea: Why not retrain retired or semi-retired specialists as primary care physicians? In this podcast interview, Dr. Glass discusses Physician Retraining & Reentry, his vehicle to make it happen.These are the questions and time stamps:

  • (0:13) What problem are you addressing? Why does this organization exist?
  • (1:50) How is PRR different from others who are addressing the PCP shortage?
  • (3:52) How did you come up with the idea?
  • (6:23) What is the program like and how long does it take?
  • (10:22) What kind of candidate is a good fit for the program?
  • (12:02) What’s involved in the program and how much does it cost?
  • (14:09) What happens after a doctor finishes the program?
  • (17:04) Do you have a favorite story of a PRR graduate?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


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