Call to action: America's Health Rankings Senior Report

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Dr. Reed TucksonRankings reports are a great way to spur the public and policymakers to pay attention to important issues. The 2015 America's Health Rankings Senior Report from the United Health Foundation, released today, is a case in point. It combines a holistic approach to the definition of health with detailed information for each state.I had an opportunity to interview Dr. Reed Tuckson, senior medical advisor to the Foundation, about the report.

  1. (0:12) What is the purpose of this report?
  2. (1:28) What should we learn from the high-ranking states and the low-ranking ones? What are some success stories?
  3. (3:28) The report includes a "call to action" from Dr. Jewel Mullen, based on a national prevention strategy. Who is Dr. Mullen and what is the strategy?
  4. (4:55) The report mentions Alzheimer's and dementia. There is rising prevalence, no cure, and not a lot of effective treatments. How should we be addressing Alzheimer's?
  5. (7:52) It's clear from your comments that this report is not meant to sit on the shelf. What impact do you think the report will have?
  6. (10:18) What else would you like to highlight?

—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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