Long term care insurance --perspectives from InsureBlog

Hank Stern from InsureBlog has been known to keep me honest on insurance topics, so after I went off about long term care insurance earlier this week, I asked him to let me know if I was out of line.Good friend that he is he responded by writing not just one but two posts on the topic. The first post --about the WSJ article that annoyed me in the first place- is posted today. The next --responding to issues I raised in my post-- is forthcoming.While acknowledging that some of the basic info in the article is accurate, Hank also has a bone to pick with the authors. Here's something new I learned from the post:

Interestingly, the article fails to mention one of the most valuable, easily understood benefits of LTCi, one which addresses pretty much all of their concerns: the Partnership Program. Pointing out that a properly constructed plan will help keep the Medicaid folks at bay makes for a very compelling argument that even "narrow framers" would find hard to resist.

This program is meant to get people to buy long term care insurance to reduce the burden on Medicaid. The idea is to "take the value of the plan 'off the table' when determining Medicaid eligibility for long term care."—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


Primary care prognosis: Is it really so grim?


Health Wonk Review is up at Boston Health News