PicnicHealth tries to make medical records work better for patients

PicnicHealth CEO Noga Leviner [audio mp3="https://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/hbdew0036-david-e-williams-interviews-picnic-health-ceo-noga-leviner.mp3"][/audio]Patients confronting complex medical situations often learn the hard way that no one is assigned to assemble and coordinate their records. PicnicHealth CEO Noga Leviner gained firsthand experience with this problem when she was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Now she's doing something for people in the same boat.In this podcast interview Noga addresses the following:

  • (0:10) What's the concept behind PicnicHealth?
  • (0:46) What motivated you to launch the company?
  • (2:20) I love the concept of a single online record, but what's the process you follow to bring the record together and maintain it?
  • (5:13) Who are your typical users? What value do they get from using the system?
  • (7:28) You recently announced a partnership with uBiome. Tell me about that.
  • (9:28) What is the business model? Who pays?
  • (11:32) Can you provide the data needed for health plans to run pay-for-performance programs for drugs?

—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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