An inspiring product development tale

Just do itThe times they are a changing, and in some ways for the better. Nike is releasing a new sneaker designed for people with disabilities who have trouble putting regular shoes on by themselves. The idea for the shoe came from a teen with cerebral palsy who wrote a letter to Nike that ended up with the CEO. A related request came from a Nike employee who had suffered a stroke.The company then spent three years to design a sneaker with what USA Today calls “an elongated wraparound zipper system to allow a wearer to open close the show with one hand.” They collaborated with the teen to perfect the design.This isn’t some clunky looking, medicalized shoe. Instead, the Zoom Soldier 8 Flyease is a variation on a Lebron James basketball shoe. It’s cool and stylish.Advocates for the disabled are pleased, because Nike can make a significant impact on quality of life with this product, and because it represents a new phase of acceptance for people who are a little different. I won’t be surprised if the shoe is a big hit –there are lots of people who have physical challenges of various types who might really like it.If Nike can make money on the concept, that’s good news for everyone because it will demonstrate that this is a profitable opportunity, which will encourage others to compete.The situation reminds me somewhat of the highway safety movement a generation ago. Although the problem of avoidable automobile deaths was there if you looked for it, the auto industry –with the exception of Volvo-- wanted nothing to do with it. But once the public started to express an interest in safety, the world changed, and car companies started to compete on safety as well as styling and power.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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