Partners closes Lynn's hospital. I'm quoted

Partners is following through on a plan to consolidate its North Shore operations into Salem Medical Center, a move that will result in the closure of Union Hospital in Lynn, 6 miles away. I'm quoted in the Boston Globe (Partners to close Union Hospital in Lynn).Here's what I had to say:

David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group in Boston, said Union's closing is hardly surprising, since many community hospitals --particularly those that treat high numbers of low-income patients and rely on government reimbursements-- are struggling financially.

He said Partners, the state's largest health system, is closing the hospital more gently than other health care companies without as much money; keeping an emergency room open for three years is a big concession to community concerns.

"I do largely buy their logic," Williams said about Partners. "On the one hand, nobody likes it when their local hospital closes. On the other hand, considering how high health care costs are, it can't say the way it is."

---By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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