Deloitte's Harry Greenspun on the 'bright future' of connected care (podcast)

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Harry Greenspun, MDI enjoyed Dr. Harry Greenspun's talk at Qualcomm Life's Connect2015 yesterday in San Diego, so asked him to expand on his remarks in this podcast interview. Harry directs Deloitte's Center for Health Solutions, which provides insights on the evolving environment for healthcare stakeholders.Here's what we covered:

  1. (0:12) What is the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions?
  2. (0:46) You said patients care about service levels, not the quality of care. Is that true for sick patients and for parents seeking diagnoses for their kids?
  3. (2:03) Now that payments are changing to value-based, will that make an impact on care delivery?
  4. (2:59) You said we have "good quality measures" and cited the famous Bill Clinton heart surgery example. Is that really true, even in the case of the Clintons?
  5. (4:45) Will the future of healthcare really look like the present for consumer oriented businesses? Or is healthcare different than examples you cited, like Chipotle?


By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.

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