Triple Aim in Minnesota: Podcast with MNCM president and NQF vice-chair Jim Chase

Jim Chase, president of Minnesota Community Measurement[audio mp3=""][/audio]Minnesota Community Measurement  (MNCM) is a leading Regional Health Improvement Collaborative. A year ago I spoke with MNCM president, Jim Chase about the organization's total cost of care and health equity reports.Since then, MNCM has continued to move forward on multiple fronts and Jim has been appointed vice-chair of the National Quality Forum. On this podcast, I speak to him about what's new.

  • (0:07) We spoke about MNCM's inaugural total cost of care report about a year ago. What's happened since then on total cost?
  • (2:45) Are you seeing different payment methodologies? Is that driving any of the total cost trend?
  • (3:51) Cost is critical but what about quality and patient experience. What's new in those areas?
  • (5:13) Can you discuss the methodology on patient experience? Do people fill out the surveys and is there meaningful information that comes out?
  • (6:14) What insights can practices get out of patient experience? How can practices use the information to improve?
  • (7:40) Sometimes the waiting room time is high but the doctor spends more time with the patient. How does patient experience deal with that?
  • (8:22) Most quality measures are for primary care, but a lot of spending is specialty care. What is MNCM doing on specialty quality measures?
  • (10:42) Patient reported outcomes are clearly important for patients, but what is the level of acceptance by physicians?
  • (13:05) What are some things you hope to tackle over the next few years, especially in the area of quality?
  • (14:02) You are now vice-chair of the National Quality Forum. How did that come about and what do you hope to achieve?

—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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