DocChat puts ER docs online (podcast)

DocChatPicture_FounderwithLogoandSloggan_11.18[audio mp3=""][/audio]Dr. Steve Okhravi and his son Michael decided to do something about overuse of the emergency room. They founded DocChat to leverage telemedicine for triage and to counteract the forces of defensive medicine that send many patients to the ED that don't belong there. Early results are strong and they are looking to scale.I asked the Okhravi's about their service in this podcast interview.

  1. (0:14) What unmet need are you addressing?
  2. (1:33) Are patients to blame for unnecessary visits to the ED, or do physicians deserve some of the blame?
  3. (4:26) DocChat uses emergency room physicians instead of primary care. Why?
  4. (7:00) Is DocChat appropriate for geriatric patients?
  5. (10:08) Your service is not covered by insurance. Who is the paying customer now and what do you expect in the future?
  6. (12:23) You offer a subscription service as well as charging per call. Is this the type of business where a subscription makes sense?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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