Let the games begin: HITLAB World Cup

Sabra Bhat, Manager, HITLAB Healthcare Innovation Lab[audio mp3="https://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/hbdew0045-david-e-williams-interviews-hitlab.mp3"][/audio]HITLAB is a New York based innovation and teaching lab that focuses on improving healthcare quality and accessibility globally. I caught up recently with HITLAB's Sabra Bhat, who is coordinating a World Cup competition designed to stimulate original solutions to healthcare problems.Here's what we covered:

  • (0:09) What is the HITLAB World Cup?
  • (1:35) How do people hear about it? What kind of entrants did you attract?
  • (3:29) You have entrants from all over the world. Are there different sorts of entries by country or does that not matter?
  • (4:56) What can you say about the finalists?
  • (6:04) What is the relationship between the World Cup and the Innovators Summit?
  • (7:49) What does HITLab do. What do you see for 2016?

—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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