SignatureMD converts practices to the concierge model (podcast)

[audio src=""][/audio]ID-100395163SignatureMD helps physician practices convert to a concierge model. Their approach is a little different in that they offer a hybrid model that doesn't involve kicking any patients out of the practice.I caught up recently with founder and CEO Matthew A. Jacobson. Here's what I asked him.

  1. (0:18) On-demand medicine is growing fast. There is a lot of excitement about bringing an Uber-type approach to healthcare. I love Uber, so what's wrong with applying the Uber model to healthcare?
  2. (1:24) You convert practices to concierge practices. What happens when a doctor converts their practice to SignatureMD? What happens to the physician? What happens to the patient?
  3. (3:05) Besides reducing the number of patients, is there any technology or other approach that's used to boost performance? Or is it really just about reducing the number of patients a physician is responsible for?
  4. (3:55) What happens to physician income when they make the shift?
  5. (4:55) When you radically reduce the number of patients a physician is responsibility for, does that harm patients by exacerbating the physician shortage?
  6. (6:07) Will the emergence of concierge medicine increase the number of new doctors going into primary care?
  7. (7:21) On your website it says only one of eight physicians you interview is invited to join your team? Why do so few physicians make it all the way down the path?
  8. (8:35) A lot is changing in healthcare. How will value based payments affect SignatureMD?
  9. (9:22) How has your offering evolved? How do you expect primary care to evolve?

Image courtesy of saphatthachat at

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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