KaloBios bows to the price pressure Gods (I'm quoted)

FP logoPharma bad boy Martin Shkreli, formerly CEO of KaloBios Pharmaceuticals put the company in an uncomfortable spot with plans to jack the price of a drug for Chagas disease.Today Fierce PharmaMarketing features me in its story explaining what's going on at KaloBios and the implications for the broader industry. (In Shkreli's aftermath, KaloBios vows fair pricing. Will others follow its lead?)The company has really abased itself, essentially putting forward a plan to act like a non-profit. The industry as a whole won't be following that maneuver! In the story I share my view that pharma has boxed itself in by focusing too much on the cost of R&D. The newer argument that drugs save the system money is a little better, but still not good enough. Overall the industry seems too reluctant to assert that innovation should be rewarded.I shared my thoughts in a longer piece last week (Is pharma industry too meek on pricing?)---By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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