Dr. Joshua Newman, GM for Healthcare at Salesforce, discusses telehealth solution

[audio src="https://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/hbdew048-david-e-williams-interviews-salesforce-chief-med-officer-joshua-newman.mp3"][/audio]Dr. Joshua Newman, MD, MDHS, Chief Medical Officer, SalesforceI really like Salesforce's Health Cloud approach to patient engagement and am excited to see the company add telehealth to the platform. I caught up recently with Dr. Joshua Newman, who is Chief Medical Officer for Salesforce and also General Manager of Healthcare and Life Sciences.In this podcast interview we discussed the following:

  1. (0:12) How has the rollout of Health Cloud gone since our last discussion about a year ago?
  2. (2:03) There are other telehealth offerings on the market already. Is the new Health Cloud offering different or better?
  3. (4:21) Who is the target user? Is the telehealth solution aimed at particular types of providers or patients?
  4. (6:55) Is there a return on investment? What drives it?
  5. (9:02) Is this mainly a mobile solution?
  6. (9:55) How does the telehealth solution fit with other Health Cloud offerings?
  7. (12:38) What else can we expect from Health Cloud over the next year?

I came away with the conviction that there is the potential for significant impact as the platform matures, health care-specific partners are brought on board, and as customer/patient engagement practices in healthcare catch up with the rest of the economy.I'm looking forward to hearing more, especially with the big Dreamforce conference coming up in October.—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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