Podcast interview with Dexcom CEO Kevin Sayer

dexcom-bell-for-blog[audio src="https://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/hbdew050-david-e-williams-interviews-dexco-ceo-kevin-sayer.mp3"][/audio]Kevin Sayer is CEO of Dexcom, and on World Diabetes Day he had the privilege of ringing the NASDAQ bell at the start of the session. I caught up with him afterwards to ask about developments in Continuous Glucose Monitoring.Here's what I asked:

  • (0:10) What is World Diabetes Day and what does it accomplish?
  • (0:45) Your company is a pioneer in Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM). What is the impact on patients?
  • (1:48) Does CGM replace finger sticks or do you have to do both?
  • (2:23) Is CGM relevant only for those with insulin pumps? Is it useful for people who inject insulin?
  • (3:24) What is an artificial pancreas? How does CGM fit in?
  • (5:15) How do you model the financial impact of CGM for individual patients and for populations?
  • (6:49) How important are online patient communities and data registries, such as T1D Exchange? Do they play an important role in your R&D?
  • (8:11) As we look to 2017 and beyond, what are the next big things we can expect?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.

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