Partners buys into Rhode Island: I'm quoted in the Boston Globe

Partners HealthCare plans to purchase Care New England in Rhode Island. Not a surprising move, considering  that Partners wants to continue to expand but is running into roadblocks in Massachusetts. Rhode Island is practically down the street.I'm quoted in the Boston Globe's coverage (Partners to acquire R.I.'s Care New England)

“This is a logical move for Partners, which has received strong pushback in its recent attempts to expand in Massachusetts, but is less likely to face the same pressures in Rhode Island,” said David E. Williams, the president of Health Business Group, a Boston consultancy. “The acquisition is geographically close to Partners’ existing network, and they already have a clinical collaboration. Rhode Island regulators will likely appreciate Partners’ financial strength and the stability it is likely to promote.”

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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