Nutrition for cancer patients: Podcast interview with Savor CEO Susan Bratton

[audio src=""][/audio]Susan BrattonNutrition is important for everyone, but for cancer patients it's especially critical. Many cancer patients struggle with appetite and weight loss; nutrition challenges affect patients' ability to tolerate treatment and contribute to mortality.Savor Health provides oncology-related nutritional solutions. I spoke with founder and CEO Susan Bratton to learn more.

  • (0:14) Why is nutrition so important for cancer patients?
  • (1:30) How common is malnutrition among cancer patients?
  • (2:12) How well understood is this problem? Is awareness increasing?
  • (5:24) Do patients understand just how serious the consequences of malnutrition are, beyond a general awareness of the importance of nutrition?
  • (6:32) How do nutritional issues vary by type of cancer?
  • (9:35) How did you become interested in this field?
  • (12:13) What are some of the approaches being used to address nutrition among cancer patients?
  • (14:15) Is there an overlap between nutritional counseling and behavioral health? Is depression taken into account?
  • (15:16) What does Savor Health do?
  • (19:30) How will the company evolve?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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