On-demand market research: Podcast with InCrowd co-founder Diane Hayes

[audio m4a="https://healthbusinessgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/hbdew0065-David-E-Williams-interviews-inCrowds-Diane-Hayes-1.m4a"][/audio]Diane Hayes is Co-founder and President of InCrowd, an on-demand market research company specializing in healthcare and life sciences.In this podcast interview we covered:

  • (0:10) What does InCrowd offer? How does it differ from others?
  • (3:26) Who are the customers? Who do you work with at the client?
  • (5:05) How has market research changed in biopharmaceuticals?
  • (7:10) What are you seeing from respondents? How do you combat survey fatigue?
  • (9:47) What will change going forward? What impact will it have on inCrowd?
  • (12:00) You and your co-founder came out of life sciences. Is there anything differentiated or unique about how you set up the company?

---By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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