Boston Globe and Boston Herald quote David Williams on Harvard Pilgrim CEO departure

Boston Globe: In a sudden departure, Harvard Pilgrim CEO resigns amid questions about his behavior

Harvard Pilgrim and Partners each said Tuesday that Schultz’s resignation does not affect their discussions about a possible merger.But David E. Williams, a Boston health care consultant, predicted the leadership change at Harvard Pilgrim would slow any other major moves by the insurer.“I think it reduces the chance that a deal will happen, especially in the near term,” Williams said. “The Harvard Pilgrim board can’t deal with two major things at once. Partners will want to wait and see if something else shakes out at Harvard Pilgrim.”

Boston Herald: Harvard Pilgrim CEO resigns over 'behavior'

Neither Schultz nor a company spokeswoman would comment on the nature of his behavior, or whether he is receiving any severance payments.“I think the board is likely to be sensitive to that topic here,” said David Williams, president of Health Business Group. “Any expense is going to be borne in some ways by the customer.”


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