Nurse triage lines 3.0. Podcast with AxisPoint Health

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Nurse triage lines have gone through three phases of evolution. In phase 1 they were implemented to 'check the box'  for member education, phase 2 brought "demand management" to keep patients out of the emergency room, and now in phase 3 health plans are creating a gateway to innovative programs and services.In this podcast interview, AxisPoint Health SVP, Anne VanBronkhorst and I discuss:

  • (0:14) Why payers offer nurse triage lines in the first place
  • (1:37) What kinds of issues they handle and how popular they are
  • (2:50) How payers measure success
  • (3:56) How to stand out in a crowded field
  • (4:58) Examples of innovative services for which nurse lines are a gateway
  • (6:00) The role of telehealth as a replacement or complement
  • (6:53) What results AxisPoint Health is seeing with its customer base
  • (8:10) The definition of emergency department "redirection rate"

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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